When we travel to places, we find uniqueness which is waiting to be explored and a bundle of memories is waiting to be created. So travelling gives us a real-world experience which in return gives us the strength to take care of ourselves, makes us realise that we can solve problems and fills us with confidence that, come what may…… we are ready to rock and roll to live life fully.

At Alaya Resorts we are committed to providing exceptional travel and educational experiences for School and College Students. It will be a total learning experience for the students where they could create a connection with the world they live in and learning points. We bring the world closer to them to explore the destinations and immerse themselves in its diverse culture, food and heritage. The embedded outcomes from these key learning areas ensure growth, and development in skills, knowledge and understanding among the students.

Alaya Resort ensures that the trips and programs promote responsible tourism, environmental education, and cultural awareness.
Alaya Trips :
Our trips are filled with joyful activities, interactions, games, and nature walks.
• Going for long village walks to know the history, profession, lifestyle and climate of the village and further connect with their own lifestyle.
• Bird watching walks to know about various kinds of birds, their nesting style, behaviour, and their contribution to the ecology.
• Engaging students with the senses by touching, tasting, and smelling herbs in the garden.
• Listening to birds chirping and identifying the sounds of various birds.
• Play various team-building games.
• Talent hunt session.
• Storytime where the students will share the stories about the trip.

The trip will be the time for the students to take an enjoyable break from the pressure of performance in academics, connect with nature to sharpen their listening skills with the sound of birds chirping, and burbling of the river, learn to enjoy the silence and the beautiful sounds of nature which will teach them to enjoy some gadget-free time. Students will also get time to enjoy their hobbies and most importantly spend some quality time with their peers and teachers to return rejuvenated.

Connect with Alaya Resorts to plan your next school or college fun and adventure trip