GOD created man & man created machine. Machine created software, software created AI (Artificial Intelligence). Man operated systems, now systems operate man. Everything in this world – big or small is getting digitalized worldwide.
Digitalization is leading real to virtual – where one can see and feel but it can’t be
manifested. Life goes on and on, from one phase to another – childhood to adulthood, so on and so
Unless, we take a pause and realize what’re we here for !
- The changing of the seasons, the chirping of the birds, the buzz of the honey-bee;
- The sound of wind, thunder or rain; the howling of jackals; roar of a lion in the jungle.
- The trickles of streams and river; from orchids to wild flowers fragrances;
- The shades of green and brown in the midst of the forest trails;
- The bright sunlight to divine moonlight; the twinkling of the stars to the fantasy world amongst the thick sheet clouds – is there any match to it unless you actually live it, feel it, smell it, hear it and experience it – yourself!

We at Alaya Resort offer you a lushful space being with the nature and yourself, where love is in the air – Come and experience it yourself.