mr. ishtiyak ahamad (nATURALIST)

Mr. Ishtiyak Ahamad (Naturalist)
Mr. Ishtiyak Ahamad (Naturalist)
Mr. Ishtiyak Ahamad is a wildlife and biodiversity expert with an experience of more than 13 years. He started his career in environmental field as an Education Officer in BNHS (Bombay Natural History Society) at Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary, Department of Forest & Wildlife, Delhi.
Currently, he is working with Give Me Trees Trust as a Manager | Nature Education and Training. Give Me Trees Trust is the largest tree plantation, afforestation and conservation community based movement in India, with a network of 17,000+ volunteers.
His expertise ranges from wildlife, biodiversity, thematic gardens creation, nature walks and trails, landscaping to afforestation, trees and wetland.
So far, he has organized and moderated more than 5,000 nature educational sessions, workshops and nature walks.